Series: Funes’ Broken Mirror

Title: Supporting Memories
Year: 2017
Medium: video | 2-channel video
Duration: 6 min 25 sec

The video Supporting Memories was shot at the abandoned South Fremantle Power Station in Western Australia in 2010. Through a blurry lens, graffiti by different people from different times that covers the entire building turns into colorful and hallucinating abstract paintings. With reduced-speed editing and horizontal camera moves, I transfer the movement of reading the space with the camera’s eye into a digital horizontal Chinese scroll painting.

The work title is derived from the Microsoft research publication Supporting Memory for Spatial Location while Reading from Small Displays by Kenton O’Hara, Abigail Sellen, and Richard Bentley in 1999, through which I found inspiration that we can also reinstate an incidental memory for spatial location through digital interface—which I find to resemble the interaction between my digital camcorder and myself.