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• April-May, Lin will present a solo exhibition The Constant Unraveling Flurry We Depend Upon at Künstlerhaus Bethanien, and a collaborative project at Großer Wasserspeicher in Belin.

• October 10- November 4, Lin shows a 4-channel video at From the Cold Edge: Creative Meditations on Svalbard and the Arctic Circle Residency at Amos Eno Gallery
• In August, Lin participated in the Arctic Circle Alumni Expedition
• July 10, 2024- April 13 2025, an excerpt of Collapsing Landscape: No One Surface the Same as Any Other will take part in a special exhibition Climate Action: Our Future, Our Choice
at the National Museum of Natural Science in Taichung, Taiwan.
• April 5- June 2, Transforming Anxiety into A Scholar’s Rock#9 took part in Unfixed Concrete Ideal at 3S Artspace in Portsmouth, NH.